Hurricane Panels have been the mainstay of the hurricane protection industry for decades, and for many good reasons. First, they are the least expensive. However, more important to many of our clients, when not in use, they make the least impact to the aesthetics of the home. Not only are the panels removable, but we are also able to use specialty fasteners to allow even the tracks to be removed and stored when not in use.
Metal panels are available in steel or aluminum. Steel panels are heavy, the edges are very sharp, and most importantly, they can rust. In the Caribbean, the only viable metal panel is aluminum, which is available in 0.040″, 0.050″ and 0.615″. Here at Leeward Hurricane in Saint John's, we only stock and install 0.615″. Anybody who has been though a hurricane rated at Category 2 or higher, will tell you they really want the strongest hurricane shutters available.
Similar in design to the aluminum panels, polycarbonate panels work in the same manner, but allow light into the home, and allow you to see out during the storm. Our most common panel installation is to use 0.615″ aluminum panels on tall windows and doors, and use polycarbonate on the windows less than 60″ in height. By using the highest quality polycarbonate in the industry, we offer a clearer, more easily seen through view, than our competition.
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm
Saturday & Sunday: By Appointment